Friday, April 27, 2012

The 518 Devotions: Acts

17 The chief priest and the whole party of the Sadducees who were with him were extremely jealous. So they took action 18 by arresting the apostles and putting them in the city jail. 19 But at night an angel from the Lord opened the doors to their cell and led them out of the prison. 20 The angel told them, “Stand in the temple courtyard, and tell the people everything about life {in Christ}.”
Acts 5:17-20 (GW)

I posted the passage around verse 18 so you, my dear readers, get the context of the verse. The devotion in John also deals with imprisonment; however, in Acts we see the apostles freed through divine intervention.

There are many things that imprison us in this life-fear chief among them. At my Bible study on Wednesday evening we found out that many of us are held back by fear. What each of us is fearful of may be different but the demon of fear is universal. How do we overcome fear? With faith!

As I was driving home after dropping my mom off at work this morning, I was listening to a radio sermon. The pastor mentioned that sometimes all you have to hang on to is God's Word. Psalm 119 tells us to store up God's Word in our hearts and that God's Word is a lamp to our feet (11, 105). When we spend time reading God's Word and committing God's Word to memory, we have this to depend on in moments of weakness. God's Word is replete with references to strength and overcoming fear. We have God's promises to cling to when nothing else is left:

      Through his glory and integrity he has given us his promises that are of the highest value. Through these promises you will share in the divine nature because you have escaped the corruption that sinful desires cause in the world. 2 Peter 1:4 (GW)

I shared that my greatest fear is not knowing. I thrive on learning and knowledge and enjoy sharing what I learn with others. The question was what holds us back from encouraging others. My answer was that I don't know the Scriptures well enough and I don't want to say the wrong thing or lead a new Christian down the wrong path. I was encouraged by my mentor that God will give me what I need to know when I need to know it, and that He will use me right where I am, I don't have to worry about that. Then God confirmed that message to me this morning during the radio sermon I was listening to. The pastor made a statement regarding this same issue. I can't recall the exact words he used, but I heard God telling me not to be fearful, that if I walk in faith He will put the words in my mouth and the knowledge in my heart.

Let God break you out of the prison of fear!

I lift up my voice in praise to the Lord. Thank you mighty God in heaven, for Your everlasting promises. You are steadfast in Your committment to your people, and even sent Your own Son to take the sins of the world and give your servants a bridge to Your Presence. Thank you for Your Word that teaches and encourages so that we may know Your ways. Lord, let Your Word sink deep into me so that I may store up Your Word in my heart and not sin against You. Strengthen me with Your Word so that I may be a lamp unto others. Show me Your ways Lord, so that I may follow in Your steps. You are precious and holy, worthy of all praise. In Jesus' Great Name I pray, Amen

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